Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Morning Walk with Jakes

One of the things I missed most about being in L.A. was the morning walks with my baby boy Jacob... Katelyn likes to sleep in.

Jacob lets me surprise him each morning by letting me introduce something new in detail. Today, we're going to check out some papaya up close - he doesn't know that yet.

This is the entrance to our Uncle's farm.

Baby Jakes doesn't know it yet, but he's gonna get a close-up view of some papaya. I think we're going to need a ladder.

Well, I couldn't find a ladder tall enough for Jakes to check out the papaya from the previous pic. However, we did find a papaya tree short enough for Jakes to mess around with.

I caught Jake looking up at the sky, so I thought I would show you the clouds that he was looking at.

Here's the view from exiting the farm. Time to check on Katelyn to see if she's ready to go to the park again this morning.

Here's the view from our house. Pretty special for my island kids.

Jakes really liked it, but I think it's time to get back so he can eat bananas for breakfast.